CASS Education Grants

Since 2002 CASS has awarded 212 Education Grants valued at $3,390,744.

CASS has provided Education Grants to benefit primary and secondary school students in Victoria, for curriculum-based projects and teacher professional development initiatives.

A summary of some of the funded projects and other grants awarded from 2015 appears below.

2019-2024 Education Grants (suspended)

2018 Education Grants

STEM Specialist Program – Technology & Engineering

Eppalock PS


Connected2Learning – Thinking Outside the Square

Teacher mentoring and support for Critical & Creating Thinking across the curriculum

Heidelberg PS


Teacher capacity building in SOLO Taxonomy

with Pam Hook

Macleod College


Creating Positive Reading Dispositions

Incursions by children’s authors & illustrators, excursions to local & regional libraries

Moolap PS


Embracing Mathematics: Michael Ymer Style

A program of teacher mentoring and support with Maths Specialist, Michael Ymer

Shepparton East PS


Four Blocks-Balanced Literacy Writing Program

Teacher development to introduce and monitor the outcomes of a writing program suitable for students

Yarraville Special Development School


Building Up STEAM!

An introductory Science, Engineering and Robotics program

Yarrunga PS


2017 Education Grants

Visual Thinking Strategies

Epping Secondary College in partnership with Heide MOMA


Year 1 Teacher Development & Mentoring in Mathematics

Essendon North PS Foundation


Indigenous Art & Culture awareness program

Kerang South PS


Teacher professional development to implement & assess Critical & Creative Thinking

Laverton P-12 College


Teacher capacity building & mentoring to understand & assess student progress in learning

Merebein P-10 College


Beyond the Horizon

Co-ordination of a tailored excursion program to stimulate student writing

Talbot PS


2016 Education Grants

CLICK! Capturing Kids' Creativity

Whole-school photographic project using Ipads with local artists

Dunolly PS


Visual Thinking Strategies​

For Year 7 students and VTS training for Art, English and VCD teachers

Epping Secondary College in partnership with Heide MOMA


In Our Shoes

Expressive improvised drama and musical performance, in partnership with Rawcus

Fountain Gate PS


Bringing Writing to Life

Teachers and students learning together and refining strategies for creatiove narrative writing with specialists from 100 Story Building, culminating in the Heatherhill Writer’s Festival

Heatherhill PS


Stories of Belonging

Teacher development and student motivation workshops to build improvements in personal writing, narrative construction, graphic communication and text appraisal, with 100 Story Building

Laverton College


2015 Education Grants

What's So Special About Flemington

Local history research by students linked with expressive ceramic work with artist Fiona Hiscock

Flemington PS


Let's Dance 2015

Continuation of the 2014 movement and dance program led by dance artist, Jo Dunbar and African drummer, Kofi

Furlong Park School for Deaf Children, Sunshine


Music for Learning

Planned music excursions and teacher professional development workshops by various musicians to enhance and invigorate classroom teaching strategies in Literacy, LOTE (Japanese), Science, Numeracy and Visual Arts

Greensborough PS


Sunbury Cluster Development

Professional development workshops, mentoring and online support for 14 generalist and specialist music teachers in the Sunbury area, enabling them to lead participative contemporary music-making by students in the classroom, using resources and guides developed by Musical Futures

Kilara PS, Sunbury


Linking Individuals & Community Through Drumming

Drum making and drumming activities to instill teamwork, self esteem and positive attitudes among Year 7 students

Lowana College, Newborough


Me & My Place!

Photography for Grade 6 students, culminating in an exhibition at the community art gallery with photos, visual diaries and writing, with local photographer Ebony Yuill

Portland South PS


Visual Thinking Strategies

Training teachers and Year 7, a guided discussion methodology designed to encourage verbal expression, visual appraisal and discussion of images

Roxburgh College in partnership with Heide MOMA


Beyond the Horizon

A co-ordinated literacy based program of targeted small group excursions for Grade 3-4 students and these 6 small rural schools, designed to expand their experiences of the world and develop the content of their reading, writing and expression

Talbot PS with Dunolly, Timor, Bealiba, Tarnagulla & Baringhup PSs


The Music of Maths

Teacher professional development and mentoring in their classroom by maths specialist, Rob Vingerhoets, bringing maths and numeracy concepts alive through music and visual arts

Toongabbie PS


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