CASS is an acronym for:

‘Contributing to Australian Scholarship and Science’.

The objective of CASS is to fund programs and projects which have the capacity to provide a significant benefit to a sector of the Australian community.

In the field of Medicine and Science, CASS supports short term, ‘proof of concept’ research in promising topic areas which, if validated, has the potential to attract longer-term funding and to contribute to better practice and delivery of services.

In the field of Travel Awards, CASS supports early career post-doctoral researchers to attend and participate in overseas conferences to further their professional development and establish contacts with their international peers and research collaborators.

In the field of Education, CASS supports new, curriculum-based initiatives for Victorian primary and secondary school students which have the potential to expand teacher capacity and strengthen student engagement in learning. CASS also considers need and disadvantage in its grant-making decisions. Programs for rural and regional students are prioritised.

To further enable the fund to contribute to the study of languages in Australia, scholarships and support are offered for students and projects that further the objectives of the fund: better understanding between peoples of the world and consequently lessening of conflict can be achieved by improving linguistic communication between them.

At CASS we support peoples from all racially and culturally diverse backgrounds. Racism and discrimination is never acceptable. We recognise that it is everyone’s responsibility to call out racist behaviour which is why we have chosen to support the Australian Human Rights Commission’s campaign, “Racism. It Stops With Me.” CASS stands against racism and will act for positive change.

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